I write to provide a reference for the above named in the context of a tender that they are submitting to manage events on behalf of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.

Both the above named were long term employees of Courier Media Group, Tunbridge Wells. I was Managing Director of the business from March 2004 until May 2016. Libby Paterson was a direct report throughout this period in her capacity as Marketing Director. Kim Pearman occupied the position of Promotions Manager.

I have no hesitation in recommending both individuals as trustworthy and diligent workers who will deliver services professionally, with integrity and honesty.

In their employed roles both individuals were responsible for initiating, planning and organising an extensive range of promotional events delivered under our newspaper brands. They approach each initiative with meticulous care and attention, ensuring that risks are identified and managed and that appropriate budgets are accurate and realistic.

Whilst running events as an independent operation is a new venture for both, this previous experience will mean that they are well versed in all aspects of the operation and I see no reason why they will not be able to provide the Council with a professional and reliable service.

Should you need any further information in respect of the above I would be happy to provide it